In Sanford, North Carolina, the touching story of Bellatrix, a 2-year-old lab-retriever mix, is resonating across the nation as she waits for adoption at Carolina Animal Rescue and Adoption (CARA). Bellatrix, affectionately known as Bella, found herself at the shelter due to the difficult decision made by her owner, a deployed soldier.

Bella’s previous owner, facing upcoming deployment and numerous overseas assignments, reluctantly surrendered her to ensure she had a stable environment during his absence. Despite having the option of fostering or military family programs, he believed rehoming her would provide the most consistent care.

Having been with her owner since he adopted her at 8 weeks old from a Raleigh-area rescue, Bella is now adjusting to shelter life. CARA staff, including Sonja Lowry, share that Bella is a bit shy but truly comes into her own when surrounded by other animals, displaying her personality in a playgroup with two other dogs.

The heartfelt narrative reached beyond state borders, with a Facebook post detailing Bella’s situation spreading widely, drawing attention from concerned individuals as far away as Wisconsin. Now, the search is on for the ideal home for Bella—one with a spacious backyard and potential playmates for the energetic 2-year-old.

Described as the perfect family dog by Lowry, Bella is currently available for adoption. CARA invites those interested in providing Bella with the love and stability she deserves to consider welcoming her into their homes.


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