The adage, “A dog is a man’s best friend,” has proven its veracity time and again. Yet, despite this, humans often treat these loyal creatures with cruelty.
Many self-proclaimed dog lovers base their adoption choices on a puppy’s appearance, especially when visiting shelters.
Such judgments led Dutchess, a sweet dog with a heart of gold, to desperately wait behind kennel doors for a family. Sadly, potential adopters continually passed her by, not giving her the chance to show her capacity for love and affection.
A Waggy Tail Desperately Waiting for a Fairytale
Dutchess became a favorite at Orange County Animal Services (OCAS) due to her playful nature and positive energy. Despite this, she remained unadopted as visitors focused solely on the cysts under her eyes.
OCAS staff shared on Facebook that no one gave Dutchess a second glance, let alone considered bringing her home. Those who did stop often made hurtful comments, such as:
“She looks so ugly.”
“What’s wrong with her?”
“She’ll never get adopted.”
Fortunately, Dutchess didn’t understand these hurtful words and remained optimistic whenever new faces appeared at the shelter, hoping each time it would be her day to find a forever home.
A Foster Home to the Rescue
Though OCAS couldn’t find her a new home, Rescue Dogs Dream, Inc. (RDD) saw her story and immediately took action to prevent her from spending another day in the shelter.
Dutchess thrived in her foster home, her happiness evident in her bright smile. Her foster parent ensured her stay was as pleasant as possible, and Dutchess and RDD were profoundly grateful. RDD welcomed Dutchess with a Facebook post, sharing updates on her progress:
“We want to thank Chris Murphy for transporting her to us, and Beth Lord for fostering her. She is doing great, and is so happy to be FREE. She scarfed down a McDonald’s cheeseburger and is making herself right at home.”
From Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan
Dutchess was already a charming dog, despite her cysts. However, a vet surgeon decided to remove them for her comfort and health. While waiting for surgery, Dutchess received a wonderful surprise: she found her forever home.
The RDD received over ten applications for Dutchess, and it wasn’t difficult to find the perfect family for her. They shared in an update post:
“We can now announce we have found her PERFECT fit!! She will have a new Mom and Dad that treat their pups like kids. Dad works from home. They recently lost one of their fur babies, and had been looking for the right fit.”
From Dutchess to Queen Lena
Dutchess’ new owners renamed her Lena, promoting her from duchess to queen. Surrounded by love and a furry brother, Lena thrived in her new home.
Lena brought immense joy to her new family, especially after they lost another pet. She excelled in dog training, completing a level one class and preparing for level two and a good canine citizen class. Her family reported:
“She graduated from a level one doggie training class and is signed up for level two and then a good canine citizen class. She’s so sweet, just loves to play and be around us all the time.”
A Happy Ending and a Call to Action
Lena’s story concluded happily, but many dogs in shelters still await their fairy tales. As dog lovers, we should heed the words of OCAS:
“So, come to the shelter with an open heart. Look inside every kennel. Look for Dutchess. Look for the ones no one wants. That’s how you save a life. That’s how you make a difference. That’s how you change the world for one”