Shira Scott Astrof, CEO of A.R.M. (Animal Rescue Mission), expressed her firm belief, stating, “A shelter is not a place for dogs,” following the successful adoption of yet another puppy. With a long list of similar achievements in her CV, she described this particular mission as deeply special and emotional.

The story unfolds at an animal shelter in Los Angeles, where a frightened rescue dog named Chole awaited her rescuer, huddled in a corner day after day. The puppy wore a sad expression and avoided making eye contact, signaling to Shira the daunting challenge that lay ahead.

Bringing Pup to the Light of Day

Shira Astrof, CEO of A.R.M. (Animal Rescue Mission), reflected on her recent rescue mission, declaring firmly, “If she had stayed any longer in that dark corner of the shelter, she would completely shut down.” This poignant observation came after encountering Chole, a frightened rescue dog who seemed to withdraw from the world.

Recognizing the urgency, Shira believed Darvish, a cheerful and caring individual, could be the key to bringing Chole out of her shell. The next day, with the support of her A.R.M. partners, they embarked on a mission to rescue Chole from her solitary corner in the shelter.

“Darvish and I coaxed her out, but she was so scared she didn’t want to walk,” Shira recalled. “She seemed ready to return to the shelter, as if she couldn’t fathom a world beyond that corner.”

With patience and teamwork, they eventually persuaded Chole into the car, beginning her journey to a brighter future in her new home.

One Hell Of A Ride

Even though it lasted about an hour, the ride through the streets of Los Angeles was an emotional roller coaster for Chole and Shira alike.

After spending so long in that miserable dark corner, the journey was overwhelming for Chole. Darvish noted that Chole was so upset in the back seat that Shira needed to sit next to her to calm her down.

And that’s when the magic began. Chole finally started to show her affection to her human friend, albeit still a bit shy.

“She had those moments where you could tell that they know they are safe, but they just need to fully get there,” Shira remarked, emphasizing that dogs like Chole need time to rebuild their trust, but it’s always worth it in the end.

Once they arrived at the house, Chole was again terrified to get out of the car. The series of changes and emotions were overwhelming for her. However, being with her rescuer gave her a sense of safety.

It wasn’t easy, but stepping out of her comfort zone was essential for her new beginning. Summoning her courage, Chole took her first step out of the car and into the house, where her new life would soon begin.

From the Depths of Pain to the Pinnacle of True Love and Happiness

It was clear that Chole hadn’t yet shed the pain she endured in the corners of the shelter.

Again, she chose a corner to prepare for her next chapter, but this time, it was in her new home.

Shira’s intuition about Darvish was spot-on. He was full of compassion and understood that the process would be slow, but they would reach the goal together. So, he let her stay in her corner for the first day.

“On the third day or so, I just started sitting down next to her, and she slowly started eating from my hand, meaning that she was slowly getting closer to me,” said Darvish.

And, as he predicted, the real change occurred on the fifth day. Chole no longer wanted to be separated from her new best friend.

She followed him everywhere, knew when he was coming home, and looked at him with the love and appreciation only a man’s best friend can give.

“They are definitely soulmates and they definitely cannot live without each other,” Shira concluded with a tear in her eye—a happy and proud tear—because she had managed to create something special.


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